- transcrição diplomática
- primeira versão
- última versão
Francis Thompson
: The Hound of Heaven. (vol.
: The Mistress of Vision. (vol.
: The Kingdom of God (vol.
Robert Browning
: Rabi ben Ezra.
: James Lee’s wife.
: Prospice.
: Evelyn Hope.
: The Pied Piper of Hamelin.
John Keats
: Ode to a Nightingale.
: Ode to a Grecian Urn.
: To Autumn.
: Ode on Melancholy.
: On Indolence.
: Last Sonnet.
: (Ode to Psyche.)
: La Belle Dame sans Mercy.
Edgar Allan Poe
: Annabel Lee.
: (Ulalume)
S. T.
: The Rime of
the Ancient Mariner.
: Dejection: an Ode.
: Kubla Khan.
: (The Pains of Sleep).
Wordsworth (some)
: Ode on the Intimations of
: Lines written above Tintern Abbey.
: Laodamia.
Ernest Dowson
: Non Sum Qualis eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae.
Joseph Blanco White
: To Night.
D. G.
: The Blessed
(any sonnet?)
(any sonnet?)
A. C.
Thomas Hood
: (The Song of the Shirt).
Alfred de Vigny
: Moïse.
: La Colère de Samson.
Gerard de Nerval
: El Desdichado.
Victor Hugo
: À Villequier.
Guerra Junqueiro
: Oração á Luz.
Teixeira de Pascoaes
: Elegia.
Antonio Molarinho
: Maria Manoela.
Lord Tennyson
: (Mariana)
: Morte d’Arthur.
: The Charge of The Light Brigade.
: (‘Break, break, break’)
: Ulysses.
: Tithonius.
: Oenone.
: Ode. (we are the music-makers)
John Milton
: Lycidas.
: L’Allegro.
: Il Penseroso.
on his Blindness.
: (Nativity Ode).
Lista manuscrita.
- Alfred Tennyson
- Alfred de Vigny
- António Molarinho
- Arthur O’Shaughnessy
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti
- Edgar Allan Poe
- Ernest Dowson
- Francis Thompson
- Guerra Junqueiro
- Gérard de Nerval
- John Milton
- Joseph Blanco White
- Robert Browning
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- Teixeira de Pascoaes
- Thomas Hood
- Victor Hugo
- William Wordsworth
- Annabel Lee
- Dejection: an Ode
Edgar Allan Poe
: (The City in the Sea)
Edgar Allan Poe
: (Ulalume)
- El Desdichado
- Elegia
- Evelyn Hope
- Il Penseroso
- James Lee’s wife
- Kubla Khan
- La Belle Dame sans Mercy
- La Colère de Samson
- Laodamia
- Last Sonnet
- Lines written above Tintern Abbey
- Lycidas
- L’Allegro
- Maria Manoela
- (Mariana)
- Morte d’Arthur
- Moïse
- (Nativity Ode)
- Non Sum Qualis eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae
- Ode on Melancholy
- Ode on the Intimations of
- Ode to a Grecian Urn
- Ode to a Nightingale
- (Ode to Psyche.)
- Ode. (we are the music-makers)
- Oenone
- On Indolence
- Oração á Luz
- Prospice
- Rabi ben Ezra
on his Blindness
Samuel Taylor
: (The Pains of Sleep)
- The Blessed
- The Charge of The Light Brigade
- The Hound of Heaven
- The Kingdom of God
- The Mistress of Vision
- The Pied Piper of Hamelin
- The Rime of
the Ancient Mariner
Thomas Hood
: (The Song of the Shirt)
- Tithonius
- To Autumn
- To Night
- Ulysses
- À Villequier
- (‘Break, break, break’)