

The images of the documents of Fernando Pessoa’s estate, as well as of his publications during his lifetime, were made available by the Portuguese National Library, whom we thank for providing the images and authorizing its publication. The documents of the private collection of Manuela Nogueira were digitized in 2008 by a research group coordinated by Jerónimo Pizarro. We thank both Manuela Nogueira and the research group for authorizing the publication of the images of the collection. The images of the publications of the poems "O Avô e o Neto" e "Mar Portuguez" in the periodicals Tico-tico: Jornal das crianças and Leitura para todos – Revista mensal illustrada were made available by the Brazilian National Digital Library, whom we thank for providing the images and authorizing its publication.

All the TEI files can be redistributed according to the Creative Commons license “Attribution 4.0 International” (CC BY 4.0). All the images can be reused, always indicating their source.

Sepúlveda, Pedro, Ulrike Henny-Krahmer, and Jorge Uribe (eds). Digital Edition of Fernando Pessoa. Projects and Publications . Lisbon and Cologne: IELT, New University of Lisbon and CCeH, University of Cologne 2017-2024. Version A3.0.0-C2.1.1 <https://www.pessoadigital.pt/en/project/licenses>. DOI: 10.18716/cceh/pessoa.