Information about the editorial aspects of this digital edition is given on the page About. Details on the data model, TEI encoding and the technical infrastructure can be found on this page and other subpages of the edition which are linked here.
TEI encoding
The realization of the digital edition relies primarily on XML standards and related technologies.
The transcriptions of the documents, the publications, and the corresponding metadata are encoded according to the standard of the Text Encoding Initiative (in the version TEI-P5).
The project specific TEI customization is described here.
Technical setup and workflow
The technical setup and workflow are sketched in the following figure:

Technical setup and workflow
The workflow can be divided into four major steps: (1) interpretation, (2) representation, (3) transformation, and (4) presentation.
First, the original documents were transcribed and encoded in TEI.
The TEI documents are fed into a GitHub repository reachable at, so that their versions can be controlled and to make it possible that the members of the team work on the TEI files collaboratively.
The facsimiles of the documents are stored separately on an image server.
The master files of the GitHub repository are stored in an XML database (eXist-db), where they are embedded in an application that generates the website of the edition. Also the image files are included in this application through an image viewer (OpenSeadragon).
The application consists mainly XQuery and XSLT files which produce the pages of the website and which serve to transform the TEI documents into HTML documents. In addition, CSS stylesheets are used to control the style of the website itself and of the digitally edited documents.
To create the website, some of the components shipped with eXist are used: the CSS framework Bootstrap, the JavaScript library JQuery and eXist’s Templating Framework.
The data of the edition corpus and the web app of the digital edition are each versioned individually. The scheme according to which this is done is explained on the following page: "Versions".
Information on the licenses for the data, images and the web app can be found on the page "Licenses" and the respective GitHub repositories:
- Corpus:
- Webapp:
The TEI data of the documents and publications can be downloaded from the edition website itself (see the page "Downloads") or via the GitHub repository of the edition corpus: