
BNP 181r

c. 1931

Cancioneiro, liv[ros] I a V.
Poemas completos de Alberto Caeiro .
Livro do Desasocego.

Theoria do Suffragio Politico.

The Mouth of Hell. { } J. S. B.
The Double Issue.

Espronceda .
Three Pessimists.
? The Great Sonnets of the World . (one from each author)
Tho[mas] Russell.
Felix Arvers.
Blanco White.
C[amillo] Pessanha.
Angelo de Lima.
Fr[ancis] Thom[pson.]
Fr[ei] For[tunato] de S[ão] Boaventura.
Edgar Poe.
Jekyll and Hyde .

Some are not celebrated outside the language they were written in, but it is enough that they were celebrated there.

Lista manuscrita, publicada em A Educação do Stoico (2007, 64).

  • Names

    • Alberto Caeiro
    • Camilo Pessanha
    • Dr. Jekyll
    • Edgar Allan Poe
    • Francis Thompson
    • Frei Fortunato de São Boaventura
    • Félix Arvers
    • Joseph Blanco White
    • José de Espronceda
    • Sr. Hide
    • Thomas Russell
    • Ângelo de Lima


    • Cancioneiro, livros I a V
    • Espronceda
    • Jekyll and Hyde
    • Livro do Desasocego
    • Poemas completos de Alberto Caeiro
    • Tempest
    • The Double Issue
    • The Famous Sonnets of the World
    • The Mouth of Hell
    • Theoria do Suffragio Politico
    • Three Pessimists