
BNP 125B-53r

c. 1920

Proving the Unprovable.
The Myth of King Sebastian .
Kings who will “return”.
Great Historical Problems (Great Men who never existedKing Sebastian’s endthe Birth place of Columbus the Discovery of Amer ica – etc) (Masque de Fer-
Slips and Mistakes of Authors.
Poe’s Offspring.
A Portuguese Prophet (Bandarra).

Australian [and] South African papers — news etc. from Spain [and] Portugal.

Insanity in Fiction.

Lista datilografada, com acrescentos manuscritos, publicada em A Demonstração do Indemonstrável (2011, 75).

  • Names

    • Cristóvão Colombo
    • D. Sebastião
    • Edgar Allan Poe
    • Gonçalo Annes Bandarra


    • A Portuguese Prophet (Bandarra)
    • Great Historical Problems
    • Great Men who never existed
    • Insanity in Fiction
    • King Sebastian’s end
    • Kings who will “return
    • Poe’s Offspring
    • Proving the Unprovable
    • Slips and Mistakes of Authors
    • the Birth place of Columbus
    • the Discovery of Amer ica
    • The Myth of King Sebastian