
BNP 48C-49r

c. 1921

1. Olisipo Condensing Code.
2. Olisipo Hotel and Travel(lers’) Dictionary, in 6 languages.
3. Press letter from Spain and Portugal.
4. Olisipo Auxiliary Code.
5. Olisipo Commercial ([and] Technical) Dictionary, in 6 languages.
6. Olisipo Guide to Portugal.
7. List of Portuguese infra[structures] , Producers and Exporters.
8. Monthly Review of Portuguese Trade – subscribers.
9. Lists of Foreign infra[structures] and Exporters.
10. Guide Books to Portugal – several, gratis.
11. Translations of Portuguese Books.
12. English Editions. 6 d. (classics) 1/- etc
13. Edições de classicos portugueses.
14. Edições de classicos estrangeiros, traduzidos.
15. The exact way to pronounce French.
16. Aristography.
17. Parlour (table) Games.
18. Agency of Publications and Papers.
19. Advert[isement] Agency.

Lista manuscrita em papel com marca de água «Progress Bond | Made in Canada».
