
BNP 143-6r

c. 1919

Possible articles by Thomas Crosse (or some such):

A conspectus of the Columbus theories (see what the recent Italian re-Genoa one says).
Diogo Pires, otherwise Solomon Molcho.
The Myth of King Sebastian .
Biomancy (fairly big article)
Sophistry, or Curious Proofs and Arguments: from the Greek Sophists (v. Funck-Brentano, Les Sophistes Grecs) through medieval sophists and schoolmen, to modern sophists, includ ing such theses as Comme Quoi Napoléon ) (See whether some idea can be obtained of Whately’s Historic Doubts). (This article can be divided into two – one on Sophistry Proper, the other on Curious Proofs and Ar guments).
Singularities of Language.
(Historia tragico-Maritima) (or translate perhaps).
Tobacco / Tobacco in Portugal (special) ???
Freemansonry in Portugal (special) ?
Kings that will Return. (the general myth of which the one of King Sebastian is a particular case).
The Epigram. (or a little book choosing them).

Lista datilografada, publicada em A Demonstração do Indemonstrável (2011, 78-79).

  • Namen

    • Cristóvão Colombo
    • D. Sebastião
    • Napoleão
    • Solomon Molcho
    • Thomas Crosse
    • Théophile Funck-Brentano


    • A conspectus of the Columbus theories
    • Biomancy
    • Comme Quoi Napoléon
    • Freemansonry in Portugal
    • Historia tragico-Maritima
    • Kings that will Return
    • Les Sophistes Grecs
    • Singularities of Language
    • Sophistry, or Curious Proofs and Arguments: from the Greek Sophists
    • The Epigram
    • The Myth of King Sebastian
    • Tobacco / Tobacco in Portugal
    • Whately’s Historic Doubts