
BNP 901-1r


Raphael Baldaya:

I. The Foundations of Astrology.
(a) The elements (data.)
(b) The nativity horoscope in general.
(c) The progressed h[orosco]pe in general.
II. Mundane Astrology
(a) Generalities.
(b) National horoscopes.
(c) The horoscope of a nation (Portugal)

The Doctrine of Transits.

10/- per reg[ular] post to G[reat] Britain

A Rationalist Classic

The Mat[hematical] Prin[ciples] of Jo[sé] Anastacio da Cunha

100 Sonnets of Camoens.

Anthero de Quental: Sonnets

Lista manuscrita.

  • Namen

    • Antero de Quental
    • José Anastácio da Cunha
    • Luiz de Camões