
BNP 133M-96 a 98

c. 1917-1918

1. Commercial Codes:
3 letter code.
5 figure code.
Ten code.
Elementary Code.

2. Tratado de Pronuncia Ingleza.

3. Gamage, or another, or elseways:
Lomelino’s game.

4. Lista de palavras hespanholas

5. Compendio de Astrologia

6. Anthologia sensacionista

7. Livro em casa do Jayme.

8. M. Nunes da Silva:
Conta a pagar + 1000.
Gramophone e discos.
Bath, crockery, etc.

Frank Forbes-Leith.
Manuel Gouveia de Sousa.

10. Livros que ainda tem
Da Cunha Dias.
V[ictor] Hugo Nunes.
11. Trad[ucção] lettra romanzas ( V[ictoriano] Braga)

12. Phonobrachygraphia.

13. Cosmopolis (v[er] Caderno azul)

Small book on Sh[akespeare] – Bacon.
Larger [book on Shakespeare – Bacon]

15. Anthologia Portugueza

16.All About Portugal” – a compilation (w[ith] possible articles from specialists)

17. Contos Quaresma – em livro ou folhetos.

18. Trad[ucção]
Sonetos de Camões (inglez)
Poemas de Poe (Port[uguez] )
[Poemas] em prosa de Wilde (Port[uguez] )

19. War poems, in English and in French.

20. M’s rimes: Sengo has. But examine.

21. Alvaro de Campos: Book (perhaps w[ith] adv[ertisemen]ts.)

22. Trad[ucção]Estudiante de Sala manca
23. Trad[ucção]Octavio[Traducção]O Desconhecido

24. Contos genero “O Gramophone[Contos genero] o conto inglez do “altro-suicida”.

25.The Mystic Maze” charme supposto.

26. Transl[ate] books on Mag[ical] Healing, etc. into Portuguese.

27. Handy Portuguese Dictionary.

28. Poetry Society [and] their review.

29. Translations:
Shakespeare’s Works.
Martin Hewitt.
Constantine Dix.
Master of Mysteries.
A[nna] K[atherine] Green.
Dr. Jekyll [and] Mr. Hyde.

30. Neo-paganismo portuguez; em port[uguez] , inglez e francez.

31. Frank [and] Cecil Palmer (money re[garding] proverbs)

32. W[illiam] A. Bentley:
articles for him.
inquiries re publishers, etc.
introductions (?)
33. Book on Portugal for collection like Home Univ[ersity] Library.

Articles on the War.
Book on the War.
Port[uguese] book re[garding] the War.

35.Vinho de Borba” on “ Olig[archia] das Bestas

Any use – (?)
Miss Lord – tracts, L’pool.
Mark Hyam.

37. Angelo de Lima. Visit [and] 2 copies “Orpheu” 2 and (?) his M[anuscripts.]

38. Antares Almanac [and] others.

39. Gomes Leal subscription (Ren[ascença] Port[ugueza] )

40. Bett[encourt] Raposo’s lessons.

41. Bibl[iotheca] Nac[ional] – registo “Orpheu

42. Cambridge Literary Agency.

43. Renascença Portugueza

44. Ref[erence]s to
45. Procure Indian book against Theosophy, (v[er] Times L[iterary] S[upplement] )

46. Camoezas: Th[omaz] Pires’ books.

47. Occult: Aglaophamus (Löbeck)

48. Photos: from V[ictoriano] Braga.

49. Presents for H[enriqueta] , Mother, [and] boys.

50. Eden Fisher [and] Co. – publishers in Eng[lish] ABC code.

51. Quidde’s Caligula .

52. Rat[ionalist] Press Association.

53. An Eng[lish] book like “A la manière de...”

54. Kellogg.

A small Portuguese encyclopaedia
An English litterary do.

56. Juan de Nogales – article on sensationism.

57. Write critics re[garding] poems (?)

58. Transl[ation] Marinheiro into French and English – Maeterlinck

59. D[om] M[ario] Ign[acio] Sette.

60. Carlos Ferreira: opinião para o livro sobre Rei Alberto.

Astrological book on War.
Raphael Baldaya.

62.The Education of the Will

63. Baldaya: Doctrine of Transits.

64. Soc[iedade] Astrol[ogica] Portugueza: C[esar] Porto

65. Biliteral Cipher (for sale, adv[ertisemen]t)

66. Scotch Millionaire scheme.

67. Cofre forte (aluguer Cred[ito] Predial ou M[onte]pio)

62. Teeth.

64. Retrato Sá-Carneiro – Bustorff.

65. Papeis Sá-Carneiro em Paris [and] contas José de Araujo

Lista manuscrita, publicada em Sensacionismo e Outros Ismos (2009, 434-438).

  • Namen

    • Abílio Quaresma
    • Alberto Da Cunha Dias
    • Anna Katherine Green
    • António Gomes Leal
    • Carlos Ferreira
    • Carlos Porfírio
    • Cecil Palmer
    • Christian Löbeck
    • Constantine Dix
    • César Porto
    • D. Mario Ignacio Sette
    • Edgar Allan Poe
    • Frank Forbes-Leith
    • Frank Palmer
    • Henriqueta Madalena
    • José de Araújo
    • João Camoesas
    • Juan de Nogales
    • Ludwig Quidde
    • Luiz de Camões
    • Manuel Gouveia de Sousa
    • Martin Hewitt
    • Maurice Maeterlinck
    • Mário de Sá-Carneiro
    • Oscar Wilde
    • Rafael Baldaya
    • Rei Alberto
    • Tomás Pires
    • Victor Hugo
    • Vitoriano Braga
    • William A. Bentley
    • William Shakespeare
    • Álvaro de Campos
    • Ângelo de Lima


    • All About Portugal
    • Anthologia Portugueza
    • Anthologia sensacionista
    • Caligula
    • Compendio de Astrologia
    • Contos Quaresma
    • Doctrine of Transits
    • Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
    • Estudiante de Sala manca
    • Marinheiro
    • Master of Mysteries
    • Neo-paganismo portuguez
    • O Desconhecido
    • O Gramophone
    • Octavio
    • Oligarchia das Bestas
    • Poemas de Poe
    • Poemas em prosa de Wilde
    • Shakespeare’s Works
    • Sonetos de Camões
    • The Education of the Will
    • The Mystic Maze
    • Tratado de Pronuncia Ingleza
    • Vinho de Borba
    • War poems


    • A Renascença
    • Orpheu Q1351196 12089
    • Times Literary Supplement 178313774 4117226-7 Q1768060